
Through coperation with various specialised companies there is a broad variety of scalable services available.

Below a summary of possibilities:

R&D analysis.

arrowAS-ta analyses the possibilities and makes report to improve your product(s) and innovate your business. For the realisation from your idee until a high kwality product.

Research and apply proces automation.

arrowProces automation can cut expenses of production considerably. AS-ta provides analysing, planning and realization.

Proces control solutions.

arrowAre you looking for a professional this area? Invite AS-ta for a consult about possibilities!


arrowFrom the drawing board untill working model, AS-ta works only with specialists. Clear expertise transfer will guarantuee your independance.

Energy saving, self-support and efficiency.

arrowEnergy costs keep growing and even small changes can turn into a great advantage. Clever companies, seeking for ways to cut expenses and improve market positions should contact AS-ta for a meeting on this subject.

Contact Information.

Lindenlaan 53, Schagen (kaart)